Sunday, 16 February 2014


We were trying to conceive for 9 months, so couldn't quite believe it when we got the positive finally in January 2013!

My pregnancy was pretty straight forward. I suffered slightly with SPD. But no morning sickness or anything too severe! All went pretty smoothly and generally felt good! We decided not to find out the sex, I'm all for a surprise!

My due date was Friday 27th September 2013. The previous Saturday (21st) I went and bought a gym ball, it was nearing my due date and I was starting to feel fed up and ready to meet our little one. I bounced around for about 15 minutes on the evening, not for long! About 
11.30pmI felt my waters go whilst in bed! Panic set in and my other half was running around like a headless chicken. I told him to calm down as there were no contractions as yet. Called the hospital and they said to go in at 5am for an assessment. We went in and I was checked over, still no contractions. They didn't examine me, sent me back home and told me it was a waiting game. I had to go back at 11.30 on the Sunday night(22nd) unless contractions started! It got to 11.30pm and still nothing, so off we went again. I was induced at 1.30am Monday morning (23rd) and Ben went home. So by now it was8am and the contractions had started, not very strong or regular! Ben came back at 10am at which point the contractions became stronger and closer together. By11am they were quite painful and I asked the midwife to examine me, I was still on the ward! She thought I would be early stages, maybe 2 or 3 cm. Turns out I was 7cm! I was shocked and felt very overwhelmed! But also relieved. Off to the delivery suite we went. It was just after 12 when we got to the delivery suite. The contractions were about a minute apart and becoming unbearable. I'd had no pain relief whatsoever so started on the gas and air! All of a sudden I had the urge to push. I was examined again and I was 10cm! So on to the bed and was told to "go with it"! It was about 12.45pm now and i began to push. After a couple of pushes I was told to stop and breathe as baby was not very happy, possible chord around the neck. Next thing Ben had to press the emergency button and about 5 people came running in! I was worried but knew I had to stay focused. They told me the baby had to be born quickly and forceps and episiotomy would be required. All with only had and air! A few pushes later and our beautiful son Archie was born at 1.10pm on 23rd September 2013! It was all very quick and eventful, but the most amazing experience. I would do it again tomorrow! We had to stay in hospital for a week as unfortunately Archie contracted Group B Strep and was on antibiotics. But he is a happy healthy 4 month old now!

Carrie xx

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