Monday, 24 March 2014

Alfie First Birthday Present Ideas

I can't believe my baby will be 1 in a months time. It doesn't feel five minutes ago that i was waddling around with a massive bump and giving birth to my baby and now hes a whole year old! The years used to last forever but having a baby speeds up everything! He'll be stroppy teenager before i know it!

 However, Todays post is about the present ideas i have for alfie, he has everything he needs so its quite hard to think about what to get him but i've come up with a few things that i have decided i might get for him. 

Mamas and Papas Rocking Animal- I've always loved these rocking animals, they're bright and colourful and look great fun for babies. I wanted to get one for Alfie for christmas but they are recommended for a year and over so I didn't bother and decided to wait until his first birthday to get him one.

Vans- He does already have some vans but he is in size4 shoes now so there is so much more choice.I love white plimsolls but i know as he gets older they will just get so dirty, so for now he still sits in a pram i'll get him white. He only has grey vans at the moment and they only look nice with jeans but not so keen on them with other trousers. These white ones will go with his chinos and little joggers. 

Clothes- He will most likely get clothes the next size up for his birthday so they are there ready for him to grow into! I've seen a few bits on Zara that i want for him. And of course, there are some bits from next I would like for him too! 

Books- I love reading books and I love reading to Alfie- we already have a few but I would like to build Alfie's collection up abit more so we will be getting more for him! 

Photo Frame- you probably don't think this is very exciting but hopefully Alfie will having his own room soon so I've decided to get a collection of photos in a frame ready for his own room. I can't believe that he's been in the world a year in a months time!! 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

First Steps..

This week has been massive for Alfie and exciting for me, if you follow me on twitter you may have seen that Alfie has been taking steps more frequently and more and more steps everytime he tries! 

We started with three steps a couple of weeks ago and then he didn't do it again for a few days but this time he has been walking to get things every day for a few days now. The most steps we've had at one time now is seven. 

He is so proud when he is toddling around and giggles away, and is in fits of laughs when he falls on his bum! 

I am such a proud mummy but i suppose i am also sad deep down because hes grown up so quickly, and isn't like a baby anymore. It's so exciting though and its lovely watching him grow and learn new things every day. 

He'll be 11 months on the 27th of this month- where did the time go! Look out for his 11 month update, he seems to have learnt lots this last month! 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Muslin Clothes- An Essential!

Ok, so they aren't really magic. But they are fabulousss

I only just recently bought muslin cloths for Alfie. 
I'm not really sure why i didn't buy any before but i wish i had. 

They are brilliant for wiping up milk and spills. 
Perfect for catching baby sick (we're past that stage now but it would of saved alot of clothing changes for me and Alfie!!)
They keep the sun out your babys eyes in the summer. 
They are a brilliant lightweight blanket.
They are comforters for alot of babies! 

They have so many uses so are a MUST have baby essential! 
Get them on your baby list mummies to be! 

Blooming Boo

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The Future..

I'm always thinking about what the future will bring for me and my family. There are a few things i would like to do in the future but sometimes you can't plan things as it isn't always that straight forward. We can dream right??!

I currently work for Matalan- I started working there just before i fell pregnant, i worked in a salon too. I liked to keep busy so working in a salon in the day and going to work in retail in the evening was perfect for me. I hate being sat around. At the time i fell pregnant, i was also working at Next- I was a busy bee!! As much as i enjoy working in retail its not something i want to do forever. In an ideal world, i would love to be a midwife. I loved giving birth and helping other mummies bring there gorgeous babies into the world would be so amazing. I'm not sure how demanding it would be though and the thought of working alot has put me off. I have my own baby to think about and i wouldn't want to work so much that i wouldn't see him.
 I am a qualified hairdresser and i did enjoy it. I fell out of love with it before i left but i think if i managed to get back into it- I could love it again. I always said after Alfie i would probably go mobile hairdressing but this idea seems to have gone to the back of my head as i've lost my confidence in talking to people and we all know we need a good chat with our hairdresser! I'm still undecided what to do about my working life but time will tell.

I love being a mummy to Alfie and would love to give him a brother or sister. Motherhood is the most amazing thing. I would love lots of children but two would be perfect, i don't want Alfie to be alone. I would love to fall pregnant now but i don't think that will happen and ideally i would love alfie to be more independant. I wouldn't be able to push a massive double buggy around so i would like to wait until hes out of a pushchair. Maybe in the next 6months i will start talking to my boyfriend about another and see what he says.

I would love a home that i could call my own, i could do it up how i want and have it exactly like i imagine. We would need to save up some money and i would need to work more than i do currently but i would love a 3bed house in a little cul-de-sac, with a pretty garden for summer parties and lots of play space for Alfie!

Me and Zach are not engaged and don't plan to be yet. I would love to be Mrs Martin but i just don't see that happening yet, the time would need to be right and i don't want to get engaged for the sake of it. I would like it to have a meaning and lead to marriage!

I want to be more confident and content with who i am, i've always had issues with confidence and i would like to knock it on the head as soon as i can. I have a gorgeous son that i created so i should be proud of myself but I'm finding it hard to snap out of this place I'm in.


Whatever happens, whether the dreams come true or not. I just want Alfie to be happy. I want to create lots of happy times for him and lots of memories that i can cherish. He's the most important person in my life and aslong as he keeps smiling then I know everything will be ok with him by my side. 

Monday, 17 March 2014

Mummy Hospital Bag

During your stay in hospital when having your little bundle of joy, your hospital bag is important. Never underestimate the importance of a well packed hospital bag. I wasn't one of those people who had a brilliant hospital bag, I didnt have hardly anything for my 5day stay. I never expected to be staying in so long!
if you would like to know why i was in so long you can read my birth story here!

Ive put together a list of what i think are important for Mummys hospital bag.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Mama Et Bebé| PinkLining

Mother's Day is fast approaching! How quick is this year going? 2014 will be my first Mother's Day as I was still pregnant this time last year. I have learnt many things this year about my self, i have been on a personal journey and I love every minute of being a mummy. 

PinkLining* have asked me to describe motherhood in 5words- 


Mama et Bebé Changing Bag
The lovely people at pink lining have sent me one of the mama et bebé bags as a Mother's Day gift. 

As soon as I opened my pink lining parcel I fell in love! I love the owl print and the colours of the bag, I prefer neutral colours personally so this is one I would have chosen my self. The owl print is from the new season collection and you can find it over on the pink lining website here

I love the organisation of the pink lining bags and if your anything like me and love to be able to find everything amongst all the nappies and baby things- These are perfect for you. 

You have two insulated bottle holders, two pockets for nappies and wipes. A little pocket for your phone/ keys. I especially love the two pockets on the front with the pram logo on- I use one for my phone and one for a dummy for Alfie. 

As always you get a free changing mat and wet bag as standard. 

Perfect for a Mummy or Mummy to be this Mother's Day. 

Have you asked for anything special for Mother's Day? 

Ordinary Moments- Cuppa' Tea

As i'm sure many of you mummies and daddies are aware- we very rarely manage to have a hot cup of tea now we are parents. I know many people mainly without babies wont know what the massive fuss of having a hot cup of tea is. 
Well, it is a big deal.
 We are constantly on our feet and we very rarely manage to have 5minutes to ourselves, until naptime. I always seem to have a massive burst of energy to get all the housework done after i put Alfie in his cot- only after the house is tidy, i sit down with a cuppa and some chocolate or a biscuit (sometimes both). 
...And RELAX!! 

Its bliss, its half an hour i can sit down and do what i like. i check my twitter, write blog posts and have a HOT, yes a HOT cup of tea! 

Its complete and utter bliss to have a full hot cup of tea. Its an ordinary moment but i appreciate it now i'm a mummy!!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Bakerdays| Review

I love cake!! Who doesn't love cake?! 
...(Now I want cake!) 

Baker days got in contact and asked me if I would like to review a cake of theres! Of course, I said yes! Bakerdays is a company that sell letterbox cakes, cupcakes all sent to you in the post. 

I was allowed to chose my own design, I couldn't decide as there was so many to chose from so I settled on a new baby cake. I know Alfie is 10months but we never got a cake to welcome him into the world so I went with a cake that would celebrate my baby. 

The cake was so lovely looking that I felt bad cutting it but it was so yummy!! I wish it was bigger, this cake is the letterbox cake so you get 3-4 portions for £14-95

I got the Madeira cake, you can also choose from chocolate cake if you prefer.

The cake was soft and tasted very fresh. Considering it comes though the post I didn't expect too much from it! It came safe in a cute little tin with candles too! 

These cakes are a brilliant idea if you want to get something personal for any occasion, birthdays, mothers& Father's Day, Christmas and valentines. 

Monday, 10 March 2014

The ordinary moments- Cuddles and Kisses

Now that Alfie is older we rarely get a cuddle, he's always on the go and everything he sees he wants, so having a cuddle is a very rare occurance now a days. Until bedtime that is! He will only fall asleep cuddling me at the moment but I love it. It's nice to have a cuddle with him at nap time and after a busy day before he goes to the land of nod. 

He's recently learnt that if we say cuddle he will put his arm round your neck and rest his head on your shoulder, it's so adorable.

He also kisses us if we ask for a kiss, he comes towards us with his mouth wide open and you get a face full of slobber!!

He's only 10months but he's such a lovely boy already. 

Alfie's kisses and cuddles make my day so much nicer and they always cheer me up!

Friday, 7 March 2014

My pregnancy guilt.

I found out I was pregnant at 9weeks+5. That's two months already into my pregnancy. How did I not know?! 

I went on holiday with my family at the start of pregnancy, I had a bleed which I assumed was a period. I didn't really take notice how long my 'period' was because I was on holiday with my family. So I assumed I had a period and carried on with my holiday without thinking about it. 

While on holiday I was tired but I assumed that was from the late nights and the early mornings. Some days I just wanted to chill out but no chance- we had lots of days out and had a lovely time. While we were on holiday my sisters told me they thought I was pregnant, I didn't feel pregnant and I assumed I had a period so I thought they were just saying I was fat. We carried on as normal, drinking, dancing and having a good time. Alcohol made an appearance while on holiday and lots of rubbish food. Some days I felt ill but I assumed it was all the rubbish food and alcohol I had been having, mixed with the tiredness. 

After not seeing my boyfriend for 2weeks, I went round as soon as we got back. One of the first things he said to me was you look pregnant- are you sure your not. I had a dress on that did make me look like I had a tummy so I assumed he was calling me fat, I laughed it off and ignored it and told him I needed to get to the gym. 

After having 3people say they think I'm pregnant, it was playing on my mind, it was all I thought about for a couple of weeks.
What if I was!?!? 
Am I ready for a baby??!?

I waited for my next period but it didnt come when it normally does. I do have irregular periods so I waited a week or so but still no period. I had enough of constantly thinking about if I was so I bought a pregnancy test and did it and I was pregnant!!

When I found out, a flood of guilt came over me about the lifestyle I had of late. I had drank alcohol every day for 2weeks, my boyfriend smokes and I would sit in the room while he had a fag and breathe it in not knowing. I ate runny eggs and had mayo. I couldn't stop thinking about my little jelly bean just swimming and sleeping in my womb, not knowing what was going on. 

I must admit that when I saw the two lines on the test I was in shock, I didn't know what to do. I had millions of questions in my head that I didn't know the answer to, I was so scared. I cried. ALOT. I went to doctors and just cried, I had no idea what to do. I had a student doctor- a young lad- he didn't have a clue what to say and so he booked me in at the hospital for an appointment. It was the ward where the pregnancy termination happens, I felt sick sat there watching all the young girls coming in laughing and joking around. It made me angry. I knew I didn't want to terminate my pregnancy- I spoke to the health professional there and talked through the questions in my head. She also gave me a scan, that was the most amazing thing ever- my baby looked like a jelly bean with little fingers and toes. I came out of the hospital happy that I was having a baby!! 
To me- that was the start of my pregnancy!

From then on I took my folic acid- I only took it for 3weeks or so which made me angry at myself- folic acid is taken to help reduce spina bifida and I felt like I had put my baby at risk. We went for our12 week scan and he was perfect. I felt a huge sense of relief he looked happy enough in there. 

I took vitamin D, drank milk and made sure I ate foods that would help my little jelly bean grow big and strong. My boyfriend would go out my way if he wanted a fag and my boyfriends family would do the same. I am grateful for that as it's there house but they still did it for me and respected how I felt about it. 

I think if you don't find out until later on in the pregnancy you always feel guilty about how you lived your life- I had no tell tale signs so I just carried on as normal as I'm sure many other ladies feel the same as I did. 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

My body after pregnancy and birth.

After going through pregnancy your body is bound to be different, if your body snaps back to how it was your so lucky.

Before pregnancy I was a size 10, I was happy enough with my body. It wasn't perfect and I had put on weight before I got pregnant as I ate lots with my boyfriend because I was comfortable and content with him. 

During pregnancy I ate more and more, I just wanted food all the time! Lots of takeaways and the odd healthy foods thrown into the mix! 

My chest stayed the same size, my breasts didn't grow during my pregnancy. However, after having Alfie when my milk was coming in they looked massive and was rock hard. Having a section I couldn't put a bra on so they were quite painful really, I didn't breast feed so I didn't have much relief in that department! 

I got stretch marks, which is inevitable. It didn't bother me too much, I wanted them in a way but they came with a vengeance! I didn't have any up until 34weeks then I got a couple on my sides and under my bump and gradually throughout the rest of the pregnancy I got them all over my bump. My bump was covered! Now after 10months of pregnancy the stretch marks are fading but because they were deep you can still see them. 

After giving birth to Alfie, I still had abit of a tummy, it took a couple of weeks for my tummy to shrink back down. I still looked pregnant. Also, due to having a cesarean, I have an overhang of skin now. Which would be sorted out with exercise and diet, I haven't got down to doing any excerise yet, I try to go for walks with Alfie as much as I can but with the cold weather we haven't managed to get out as much as I would like to. 

I'm not the sort of person that is overly bothered about their body, I grew a baby and even though my body has changed I'm quite happy and content with my life at the moment. I won't be rushing off to the gym any time soon!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Lazy days- the ordinary moments

When I first had Alfie it was a massive pain getting us both dressed to go out so for a couple of weeks we lived in pjs. Due to having a section I found it hard to get dressed anyway so it was one less stress.

We still love chilling in our pjs, I think we have more lazy days than is acceptable but due to it being cold. I would much rather we play in the warmth. As the sun has been coming out more often we have been for a few more walks and I'm really looking forward to summer with my family now. 

We've had a few more lazy days than we normally would due to Alfie& I having colds :( 

I do love our lazy days because we watch films, have indoor picnics, read books and get to play all day. It's quality time to spend with my boy. 

They grow so quick so you have to enjoy every minute with them! 

Me & Alfie when he was small! In our pjs!

Hmm.. What shall I play with!? Spoilt for choice 

Yum yum, I love wotsits! 

mummy daddy me

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Infasense Justafit Sleepsuit

Alfie is a very long baby he always has been, when he was born he was in 0-3sleepsuits but the arms and the body were way to big. He still has to wear a size bigger in sleepsuits due to his legs being long but they have to much room in them. When I came across Infasense on twitter I was so impressed, they sell adjustable sleepsuits- an amazing idea. I know a few of you will be very interested in this, as this problem is very common.

Infasense Ltd were founded in 2012 and their aim is to ensure babies and children are safe. As the wrists and ankles are ajustable they ensure no trips can occur.

When I got asked if I would like a review one of this sleepsuits I jumped at the chance. This is perfect for Alfie. 

The material is very soft and would be very comfortable for sleeping babies. With the little Infasense logo on it and poppers for easy fastening and quick nappy changes.

The adjustable part of the sleepsuit is the Velcro. You obviously tighten it as much as you need and Velcro it back up. Easy peasy!! No slips and trips over silly bits of dangly sleepsuit. When babies are crawling there legs end up coming out of the sleepsuit legs so this is perfect to keep your baby dressed!

They come in a range of colours to suit both genders- blue, green, pink& white. They retail at £19-99 and you get two in a pack. Brilliant value for money I say. 

Give them a try yourself you won't be disappointed!! 

*i was sent this sleepsuit in return for a honest review.