Wednesday, 21 January 2015

A walk- TWTWC

On Monday we went for a walk, alfie always wants to take the pushchair out with his toys in so I thought why not?.

Usually Alfie gets bored when we're out walking, he starts moaning and crying and won't walk after about 20mins but his pushchair with igglepiggle in kept him occupied for longer than usual. 

While on our walk I taught him to stop, look and listen for cars. I thought he would maybe be to young to take it in but he surprised me and picked it up very quickly. In the end he stopped by himself and looked from side to side then looked at me and said 'yeah'. He's a little sponge, he takes everything in, I'll probably have to recap on our next walk because he might not remember what he learnt but he may surprise me and do it without any help. 

I love photography and took the opportunity to take some of Alfie, here are a few of our pictures from the walk :)


  1. You are such a wonderful mummy! I wish I had a park near 2 me so i could take Frankie on more walks.

  2. Aw, what a cutie! Henry loves his pushchair too, I look forward to when he's old enough to take it out on walks with us :) x

  3. He is such a cutie pie. It is nice to get out and about! I take Emily on lots of walks just because i feel like it helps with my depression to get out. xx

  4. Ahh my boy has that little pushchair too. Takes it with him everywhere, very battered now! Those pushchairs are brilliant aren't they?! Xx

  5. Oh my gosh he is so cute <3 xx

  6. Such a cutie :)


  7. Oh lovely. Great to see you blogging again, I've missed hearing how Alfie was doing. I love getting out for a walk with my girls, therapeutic for us all.xx

  8. So cute Emma, love his buggy with his best toy my A used to do that not so much now!x
